Quick note. If you spam useless comments on YouTube, I hate you.
Quick note done.
On to the topic at hand. If you spam useless comments or chain comments on YouTube, you are retarded. If you spam the frequent and idiotically popular "YouTube Riot" inciting comments, you're extra retarded. Things, even big mighty things like the Internet, change. YouTube has changed. Buttons have been changed, and you now "like" instead of rate stars. Unfortunately, some things haven't changed. The basic user base of YouTube is still a bunch of self righteous pants on head retarded mongoloids. Just because, and I'm fully aware there will be irony in here somewhere, you don't like something, doesn't instantly make it evil and bad. Big example being VEVO. VEVO seems to have taken over a lot of the music videos. However, nobody seems to be insistently bitching about all the copyright nonsense happening and blocking other videos or forcing them to change the music they use.
Picking a fight with VEVO and the people who run YouTube to change things while out right ignoring other crappy happenings on the 'Tube is ridiculous. Spamming useless nonsense trying to escalate this fight with said VEVO and 'Tube employees/owners is also ridiculous on top of being bloody annoying. Personally, I hope all the people who spam that crap on good videos just to be part of the "in" crowd get kneecapped by midgets with whiffle bats. A long and arduous process.
Note: I know everyone is entitled to an opinion. They're still annoying as hell though.