Friday, October 8, 2010

A quick note about forums

Dear Internet,

I come to you today with a (hopefully) helpful list of tips to help you use forums.

Fed up forum user


  1. Post helpful information
  2. Stay ON TOPIC (that's important)
  3. USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION (If they have one)
  4. Follow the rules 
  5. Be polite

Seems fairly simple yeah? Well, apparently it's not. So many people fail to follow basic rules or have manners that it boggles the mind. For point three I cannot stress this one enough. Use the search function. The front page of a forum does NOT need to be filled with the same topic of "When is this happening?" or "RATE THE NAME!" or any other horrible mind numbing dribble. Points four and five require some emphasis too. For point four, don't be a dick. That's all it basically boils down to, don't post crap to annoy others, don't break the rules to try to be an e-thug, and be polite! Just because you're on the Internet doesn't mean you need to be a complete and utter ass. You are talking with other, gasp, real people after all. Some of you seem to forget that though. That brings us to our next list:


  1. Be a troll
  2. Post uninformative crap
  4. Derail threads and posts with your inconsistent childish nonsense
  5. Act tough then turn into a panzy and claim victim

This list is pretty self explanatory. Don't be an ass. Plain and simple. As I said before though, majority of the internet forgets that and turn into frothing piles of rage and stupidity the likes of which have never been seen before. As for the spamming, don't do it. It's not funny, nobody likes it, and it will get you insulted and probably banned from said forum. Filling the front page with "LOLOLOL U SUX" is neither funny nor witty and makes everyone else want to bash you in the head with a rock in hopes of knocking some of the stupid out. The same goes for derailing a thread. If there's a discussion going on that you happen to disagree with, post a coherent thought instead of turning into a pissing contest of who likes kittens the most. Lastly, DO NOT act like your a hardcore gangster then turn into a sniveling pile of fail when someone tells you to eat a bag of dicks after you've been a prick, and for the love of all things holy DO NOT try to act even tougher and tell them you'd kick their ass in real life. Chances are you wouldn't kick their ass in real life because the chances are high you're either a basement dwelling idiot or a potato with toothpick legs that can't walk more than 15 feet without needing a 30 minute break.

Follow these simple steps and you can more than likely make using forums more fun for you and everyone involved.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Is Blizzard an evil hate machine or are people just idiots?

I'll keep this as short and sweet as I can.

Today, Blizzard announced on their European World of Warcraft forums an official release date for their newest expansion Cataclysm. The release date is set for December 7th, 2010. Full official announcement can be found here:

Now this might not seem like that big of a deal if you're not a gamer. Usually it wouldn't be that big of a deal unless you actually played World of Warcraft. What might seem like a big is that Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7th, 1941. Surely there is no correlation between Blizzard releasing a new product and a tragic historical event right? WRONG! Browse the American WoW forums and there will likely be between 2 or 3 posts raising a stink about the coincidental release date. If you have sandy privates or twisty knickers, prepare to blow a gasket. There is absolutely nothing wrong with release a product on December 7th. There never will be a problem with releasing a product on December 7th either. 

Normally this wouldn't bother me for two reasons: 1) I don't play WoW anymore and 2) Blizzard isn't trying to be malicious or evil by releasing it on that particular date. What does bother me is the fact that idiots, mostly trolls, think they're being clever by throwing a huge fuss about this. What REALLY bothers me the most though is that the arguments boil down to "It's a national holiday!" (it's not) and "It's wrong!" (again, it's  not). If the knuckle dragging mouth breathers would put more than five seconds of thought into it...well they'd still be annoying and need to dust off their junk. 

Please, for the love of all things holy, if you feel the urge to be offended over something of no consequence do one of the following:

  1. Shove a sock in your mouth
  2. Use your brain and remember Blizzard isn't an evil hate machine of a corporation
  3. Burn your computer
  4. Take five minutes to do something else and relax before you melt your brain with big words
  5. Use your brain to realize it's coincidental more than anything and not a slight on the people who died

I'm not saying you should forget about everyone who died in the attack on Pearl Harbor, quite the opposite. When December 7th finally rolls around, take a moment to remember. Kind of like you would do on any other day a major historical event incurred a tragic loss of life.

That is all.

Taking the "Happy" out of the Happy Meal


Oh California, why must you be so crazy? Especially San Francisco. The article is pretty self explanatory, but this statement just made me go "...what the hell?"

"A proposed city ordinance would ban McDonald's from putting toys in Happy Meals unless it adds fruit and vegetable portions and limits calories. "

You can't de-happy the Happy Meal. It serves no purpose. The toy is the only reason to spend that much money on the overpriced little boxes of horror. Considering that a Happy Meal and regular meal cost nearly the same, this is just a low blow to the kiddies. Some people will agree and think adding fruits and/or veggies and limiting calories is a good idea, but does anyone really think a child will eat the fruits or vegetables? It's a pain in the rear to get a kid to eat those things with a normal home cooked meal. I highly doubt they'll eat them just because they came from a fast food joint.

What's happening to kid's lives these days? No more violent early morning cartoons, safety gear out the butt, and now, no more happy in the Happy Meals. They're kids people, not puppets. Let them have some fun before life kicks them in the shins.

I personally hope this ordinance fails. Silly California.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

YouTube Comments: Cesspool of failure

If you're going to watch a music video on YouTube and feel the urge to post about how you hate it, do NOT do it. You are not clever, and you are not being funny. You are, however, being a prick. You may sit there and scratch your head, looking not unlike a monkey in the process, thinking to yourself how it's within your rights to spew the dribble you call an opinion upon the eyes of others. It is, but it boils down to just because you can doesn't mean you should. If it was an opinion of how the music video was shot or produced, how the band is good and how they've progressed since you first heard of them, or that you have just now heard of them and want to let others who like them know you have a good taste in music that's fine. 

It's you idiots who watch a music video for a band you clearly loathe or hate to some degree that sit and watch an entire video for a song that would otherwise cause you to dig your eardrums out with toothpicks that feel the need to post "lulz this vid is teh sux dis band is gay evry1 who leisk them is gey," or, "i liked this band b4 they became mainstream sellout artists." You guys can shut up and go be unproductive in a comment section for a band you do like. 

It's common sense that taste is music is different for everyone. Most courteous people will keep that in mind as they browse YouTube. That statement is, of course, my faith in humanity getting the best of me. I know most of the people surfing the 'tube have the collective IQ of moss. That's being extremely generous as well. Time for the point: If you're going to watch a video for a song you clearly despise, please do everyone a favor and do not piss your comment into the retinas of everyone else who's watching it. As a matter of fact, if the song is going to cause you to have an aneurism of rage don't even click the damn link. Still your hand as you froth at the mouth and instead click the tiny 'x' button on the top right of your browser window and hurl your PC/Mac/Laptop out of a window because if you're stupid enough to watch things you hate just to get mad and act stupid, you are clearly too slow to properly use a computer, let alone the internet, or some type of masochistic lunatic.

*The above post applies for all types of videos on YouTube. The basic premise is this: If you hate what you're about to watch, instead of clicking the link to watch it, fling your computer and/or yourself out the window and save everyone who does like said video from having to read your dribble. It probably would have fried your brain to write anyway.